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The BBQ Fools
1PanthersFan | 34Phantom | 85andbreezy | AlisonWonderland | BattleAxes | Bkeepr100 | Blackmare | blford | BlueBerryHill | blungold | bookie71 | BookishFool | ChezJohn | ColonelCAF | MawMaw | crobinso | CVSUSN | DBAVelvet74 | DonnaPawl | earlmedwards | ez3 | Fool2Believe | GameMaker | hlupak | HobbyDave | JGBFool | Leana | MizL | MoneyPenny06 | NoIDAtAll | OleDocJ | physician | RkeFool | sano | TMF2Aruba | topcat17 | Tuni | tytthus | voelkels | WenDragon | WhiskeyRiver | WileyWildcat

The BBQ Fools

"Just about anything that can contain fire and meat can be made to do a good job if you know what it takes to do a good job."

About Us

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   We, The BBQ Fools, hope to provide a fun, but simple, web site where we can share our own funny stories and pictures from our lives, our favorite recipes, and a few of our own favorite links to various BBQ and/or Food related web sites. Who knows what will ultimately be added to this site as it grows, but it will be ours to share with anyone and everyone and we'll have fun doing so.

   The BBQ Fools are a group of folks who met each other Online in The Motley Fool's BBQ, Art of, Fun(ky), The board. I first joined this group of BBQ Fools in 2002 and even met a bunch of them in a meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN in 2004. I took my wife and children with me and we had a blast. My children have since grown up, graduated from school, and one has a child of his own and the other joined the Army and has gotten married recently. I've watched this Online BBQ Family of mine grow and shrink over the years as new members have joined our family and others have either moved on or passed away. I was just looking through some old posts to see when it was that I first joined the BBQ Fools Family and saw that I made my first post on April 30th 2002. Since that first meeting so many years ago, I've created this simple little web site and a forum for us to share BBQ "stuff" with each other and the WWW. I hope y'all enjoy what I've done.

   We will occasionally add our own personal experiences with various BBQ and/or Food related items, such as, but not limited to; Cooking Utensils, Grills and Smokers, Recipes, Restaurants, Rubs, Sauces, or whatever-we-wish, especially if we sample and/or use something that we just must tell others about.

   Occasionally these "reviews" will be slightly biased because we're trying to help a friend of ours (Caterer, Restaurant Owner, Sauce Maker, etc.), but they will never be biased because we were paid to review a product for just ain't gonna happen. These reviews will be offered because we truly enjoyed what we sampled and we'd like to share this knowledge with others. However, if we do add a review for a friend of ours, we will state this in the review. Or, if we add a product that a friend of ours is selling that isn't directly related to BBQ or Food, it will be added to the Misc Links page.

   Now, if you're a company producing BBQ related products, and y'all'd like to have some Honest-to-God-For-Real-BBQ-Fools test and review your products, then just and I'll ask for volunteers from our group of BBQ Fools. Just know that we're a picky bunch and we will be honest about our opinion of your product.

   I hope you enjoy your time here and you're more than welcome to request we add something related to the web site, but, know this, if y'all sell any BBQ related products; We Will Not Be Bought!! So, please don't attempt to solicit me to add a product link for your company without giving us the chance to try your product in real-life. It Just Ain't Gonna Happen!!

   If you wish to exchange links, I'll be more than happy to discuss this with you, but do not ask me to add a link to your web site first if you found us and you like our web site! The only web sites linked to ours right now have linked to us because they wanted to, not because we agreed to exchange links with them. This is not a business venture for me and I don't need links like a commercial web site would...think about that before you request a link exchange.

   And, as long as I can afford to host this web site on my own, there will be no advertising of any kind! So, please don't even ask...The answer is; "No! Period!!"

   As far as a Privacy Policy is concerned? I don't buy or sell information, I don't ask for, nor do I collect, e-mail addresses, I don't use cookies, and I don't track anyone/anything for any reason. I'm just creating a cool little BBQ web site for us BBQ Fools to use and enjoy between ourselves and to share with others as we see fit. If you don't feel that you can trust me because you don't know me, then don't e-mail me...It's that simple, really. And please, don't solicit me either! I hate it when people try to sell me something that I don't want and didn't ask for.

Bill Ford

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I am not an affiliate of any web site listed on this site.

I do not make any money from any sales that might result from someone clicking on a link here and going to a web site that sells products.

Just because I have a link to a web site, regardless of whether they sell any products or not, does not mean that the site endorses me or my site in any way.

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