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Food Safety & Storage
And More

FDA and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Question of the Week

Does "freezer burn" make food unsafe? - Freezer burn is a food-quality issue, not a food safety issue. It appears as grayish-brown leathery spots on frozen food. It occurs when air reaches the food's surface and dries out the product. This can happen when food is not securely wrapped in air-tight packaging. Color changes result from chemical changes in the food's pigment. Although undesirable, freezer burn does not make the food unsafe. It merely causes dry spots in foods. Cut away these areas either before or after cooking the food. When freezing food in plastic bags, push all the air out before sealing.*

Can the symptoms of foodborne illness be mistaken for the flu? Yes. Foodborne illness often shows itself as flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever, so many people may not recognize that the illness is caused by bacteria or other pathogens in food.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that many of the intestinal illnesses commonly referred to as stomach flu are actually caused by foodborne pathogens. People do not associate these illnesses with food because the onset of symptoms often occurs two or more days after the contaminated food was eaten.

Why should I use a food thermometer? - A food thermometer can help prevent foodborne illness by measuring the internal temperature of meat, poultry, and egg dishes. Using a food thermometer not only can keep you and your family safe from harmful food bacteria, but it also helps avoid overcooking, providing a safe and flavorful meal.

To learn more, go to

A Comprehensive Guide to Food Safety - Although the United States food supply is one of the safest in the world, the Center for Disease Control estimates that 76 million people contract a foodborne illness every year, 300,000 are hospitalized and 5,000 die. Foodborne contaminants originate in food establishments, in the food processing industry and in the home.

While you cannot control what goes on before you purchase your food, you can control food safety within the home. By taking careful measures, you can avoid foodbourne illnesses and not become one of the statistics. Learn about important information regarding food safety measures to practice within the home, what contaminants are prevalent, and links to food safety authorities.
* While you're there, check out their Food Safety Guide, Food Safety and Nutrition Information, Food Safety for the Holidays, and Articles pages.

A Guide for Consumers About Food Safety - Dangers come in many different forms. Dangers such as the hazards associated with fire in the house or from strangers are things that are visible and can be easily combated or prevented. However, some of the more dangerous situations involve dangers that are not visible. One of biggest problems is the way that our food is handled, both in the home and outside the home. The problems with mishandling food have been known to cause sickness and illness in people.* Numerous links to various web sites all related to food safety! 09/18/2013

Curing and Smoking Meats for Home Food Preservation - The primary purpose of this Guide is to serve as a resource for federal and state cooperative extension service staff providing background scientific information on home curing and smoking for food preservation. Knowledgeable home food preservers will find information in this Guide that will help them identify hazards that are associated with curing and smoking meats at home, and help them reduce risks of food poisoning associated with these processes. References cited throughout this guide will aid the reader in locating additional information. This Guide does not specifically address safe practices for commercial or retail establishments.

Reprinted with permission of the University of Georgia. B.A. Nummer and Andress, E.L. 2002. Curing and Smoking Meats for Home Food Preservation Literature Review and Critical Preservation Points. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Cooperative Extension Service.

Fight Bac!® - Safe Food Handling - The Four Steps - Right now, there may be an invisible enemy ready to strike. He's called BAC (bacteria) and he can make people sick. In fact, even though consumers can't see BAC - or smell him, or feel him - he and millions more like him may already be invading food products, kitchen surfaces, knives and other utensils. But consumers have the power to Fight BAC!® and to keep food safe from harmful bacteria. It's as easy as following these four simple steps:

  • CLEAN: Wash hands and surfaces often
  • SEPARATE: Don't cross-contaminate!
  • COOK: Cook to proper temperature
  • CHILL: Refrigerate promptly
  • *

    Check out their Grill Masters Info as well!

    The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) at the National Agricultural Library (NAL) has been a leader in food and human nutrition information dissemination since 1971.

    FNIC's web site provides a directory to credible, accurate, and practical resources for consumers, nutrition and health professionals, educators and government personnel. Visitors can find printable format educational materials, government reports, research papers and more.
    * Consumer Corner, Dietary Guidelines, Dietary Supplements and Herbal Information, FNIC Resource Lists, Food and Nutrition Topics from A to Z, Food Guide Pyramid, Food Safety Information Center, and much more!

    The Food Marketing Institute has some great Food Safety & Security Info, Food safety was identified as the number one issue that can affect a retail operation, according to a 2000 FMI survey. Even the best retail operators can become involved in a food safety crises. Be prepared! The Food Safety Programs department provides FMI members with the latest information, education and guidance in all areas of food safety and regulatory compliance, along with crisis-management assistance., and Food Safety Information for Consumers along with the Food Keeper - Supermarkets today have an amazing array of fresh, frozen and prepared foods. Your store maintains rigid quality assurance and sanitation standards to make sure you always receive fresh, wholesome and safe food products.

    After selecting food items, though, it's up to you to take care of them properly. The Food Keeper contains valuable food safety and storage advice to help you maintain the freshness and quality of foods that you purchase.

    Information is available on the proper storage and handling of shelf stable foods, food purchased frozen, foods purchased refrigerated, bakery items and fresh produce.
    * - Consumer Advice, Four Steps to Food Safety, News & Food Safety Alerts, Reporting Illnesses and Product Complaints, Seasonal Advice - Summer and much more!

    Health and Nutrition for Kids - No one likes to feel sick and sluggish. Eating a balanced diet, exercising and starting each day with a positive attitude go a long way to keeping your body and mind healthy. Making wise nutritional choices is important whether you are a kid or an adult. How to make those choices is the challenge most of us face.* Thanks go to Susie Post's students for this recommendation. 08/22/2012

    The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County web site has Cook It Quick!, Food Reflections Newsletter, Food Safety, Nutrition and Preparation, Food Safety for Home Cooking, Publications, and Numerous Links! A MUST SEE SITE!

    U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service - Appliances & Thermometers, Ask Karen, Egg Products Preparation, Fact Sheets, Meat Preparation, Poultry Preparation, Safe Food Handling, Seasonal Food Safety, The Thermy™ Campaign, and much more!

    *These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
    These names and logos belong to and are copyrighted or trademarked by the site owners.

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