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Leana's Chicken Psuedo-Parmesan
Leana's Crockpot Pulled Pork

Leana's Durango Bash June 2004 Pictures

Leana's Chicken Psuedo-Parmesan

A dish I made up called Leana's Chicken Psuedo-Parmesan. I don't really have a recipe for this, (not amounts or anything) I just throw it together.

It's spaghetti squash, some spaghetti sauce, broiled chicken breasts pieces, lots of feta cheese and parmesan cheese on the top. Bake until bubbly.

Arrange in layers (but don't be neat, it needs to mix a bit):
1. Spaghetti squash (or any pasta actually)
2. some spaghetti sauce
3. broiled chicken breasts pieces
4. more spaghetti sauce
5. lots of feta cheese
6. more spaghetti sauce
7. some parmesan cheese on the top.

Bake until bubbly.

Leana's Crockpot Pulled Pork

Get the largest, cheapest hunk of pork that fits in your crock pot.

Put the pork and one 12 ounce can of Dr. Pepper or Coca Cola in the crock pot.

Set on low. Leave it alone for 8 to 10 hours.

Leana's Durango Bash June 2004 Pictures

Leana also has a personal Album with More Durango Pictures and a narrative of the trip to and back from Durango.
(Opens in a New Browser Window.)






Michelle and Melissa


Milady Eating



The BBQ Gang

A View from the Deck!

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