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The BBQ Fools
1PanthersFan | 34Phantom | 85andbreezy | AlisonWonderland | BattleAxes | Bkeepr100 | Blackmare | blford | BlueBerryHill | blungold | bookie71 | BookishFool | ChezJohn | ColonelCAF | MawMaw | crobinso | CVSUSN | DBAVelvet74 | DonnaPawl | earlmedwards | ez3 | Fool2Believe | GameMaker | hlupak | HobbyDave | JGBFool | Leana | MizL | MoneyPenny06 | NoIDAtAll | OleDocJ | physician | RkeFool | sano | TMF2Aruba | topcat17 | Tuni | tytthus | voelkels | WenDragon | WhiskeyRiver | WileyWildcat

BBQ Contests

BBQ Contests Come & Go so fast it jus' ain't funny. So, if'n y'all've seen a contest listed here once before and it's gone now, well, It's Gone...Over and Done With...Whatever.

Win A Pit 2006! - The Largest Give-Away in BBQ History!

Over $13,500 in prizes and gifts from Texas BBQ Rub, Gator Pit, Texas Pepper Jelly, and Yellow Rose Jerky is going to be given away starting right now.

You will also be entered in Texas Pepper Jelly's and Texas BBQ Rub's monthly newsletter which are always full of discounts, promotions, recipes, BBQ tips, etc.

Along with the newsletters, you will still have a great chance at winning one of our prizes. Currently we have over $13,500 worth of prizes that will be given away to over 850 winners!

Do not hesitate any further. Sign up with Win A Pit 2006 right now!

I Know you hate to give away your email address to just anyone, and I am not asking you do that. We are simply asking you to join the 20,000+ subscribers that are already receiving our monthly newsletter.

You can rest assured that your name and email address will only be used to mail to you each month our newsletter. We have been sending newsletters out to our subscribers for over three years and your name and email address is kept in our vault for no one to see. You have our guarantee that no one will ever see this information except our webmaster.

My wife challenged me (and you know how challenges from spouses are) to see how big of a newsletter list we could build. So bring on the challenge. This is where you step into the picture. I need your help to show her just how many people are interested in cooking great barbecue. I told her there were thousands of people out there that loved to cook and eat great tasting BBQ and they would love to get information each month for free.

*These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
These names and logos belong to and are copyrighted or trademarked by the site owners.

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