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BBQ Competitions

BigPigJig - BIG PIG JIGŪ was born in Vienna, Georgia when a group of self-professed gourmets made wagers on who among them could cook the most succulent pig! That year, 1982, those creative people recommended combining a barbecue cooking competition with an established and well-attended arts and crafts fair and the county's livestock association annual hog show...

Twenty-one years after the idea took shape, the contest drew 121 teams cooking over 400 entries of hogs, shoulders, ribs, plus kettles of Brunswick stew, barbecue sauce, and barbecued chicken. The event attracted over 20,000 spectators and required more than 425 judges, 325 volunteers, plus countless pounds of pork. In 2002 the Dooly County Chamber of Commerce awarded more than $12,000 in cash plus trophies to BIG PIG JIG's top cooks and accommodated huge crowds of festival fun-seekers at the facility now known as BBQ CITY, U.S.A.

More than 25 events similar to BIG PIG JIG have appeared across the Southeast since 1982. Some remain; some do not. Often imitated but not yet duplicated, BIG PIG JIGŪ remains the southeast's largest and Georgia's oldest and OFFICIAL barbecue cooking contest.

Hog Happnin' - We are a Kansas City Barbeque Society Sanctioned BBQ cook-off held in Shelby, NC, on the first Saturday in November each year. In 1997, we were proclaimed a North Carolina state championship. This state championship entitles our grand champion each year to automatically qualify for the American Royal Invitational Championship in Kansas City and be placed in the annual pool for the Jack Daniel's Invitational competition held in Lynchburg, TN.

Teams compete in four KCBS categories which include poultry, ribs, pork and brisket. Sauce and "Anything But" BBQ contests are also held. Over $8,000.00 in cash and prizes are awarded to at least 40 BBQ teams who travel to NC to compete in this state championship event.

Also at the Hog Happnin' we have a Classic Car Show, arts and crafts vendors, Motorcycle Show, children's rides and entertainment for young and old. And, of course, we have BBQ. So come hungry and plan to spend the entire day.

Rocky Mountain BBQ Championship competition - This is our first attempt at organizing a competition barbeque event, however we feel that because of the support system we have developed, this will be a very successful and popular event for years to come.

With the setting for this first time event being located at the Adams County Regional Park, approximately 15 miles north of downtown Denver, Colorado, competition barbeque teams will have access to a beautiful park and facilities.

The event is a non-profit fundraiser benefitting [sic] The Children's Hospital Foundation in Denver. The goal of this competition is to raise at least $50,000 for the Foundation.

The dates of the competition, July 30th and 31st, 2004, are the weekend before the opening of the 100th anniversary edition of the Adams County Fair and Rodeo. We look forward to providing a huge kick-off event to open the fair. For a complete schedule of fair events, click on the Adams County logo on any of these web site pages.

The Rocky Mountain BBQ Championship competition is also the weekend before the scheduled KCBS event in Colorado Springs, August 6th and 7th, with the BBQ at the Summit competition in Dillon, CO. following on August 13th and 14th. This will provide teams the opportunity to compete in three consecutive KCBS events within 90 miles of Denver.

For those teams that are planning on cooking all three events, arrangements have been made for temporary storage of cookers, trailers or tow vehicles between events. A release of liability will be required, but the storage is free. Additional information will be available in March.

The Rocky Mountain BBQ Championship is being planned to be one of the most "cook friendly" competitions in the country. Every effort is being made to provide the best facilities available, to go along with a very well run and organized event. The competition is fortunate to have the use of the domed 11,000 square foot, air-conditioned, Waymire Building, for the Certified Barbeque Judges class on Thursday night, registration and hospitality center on Friday, and the competition judging and awards ceremony on Saturday afternoon.

*These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
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