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While I'm a tried and true blues player and rocker WELL into my middle ages, I really liked 'ol Willies tune.

Whiskey River, take my mind
Don't let a memory talk to me
Whiskey River, don't run dry
You're all I got, take care of me
I'm drowning in a Whiskey River
Bathing my memory's mind in the wetness of its soul
Feeling the amber current flowing from my mind
To warm an empty heart you left so cold

A Simple Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce
Grilled Asparagus
Semi-Wet Rib Rub

A Simple Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce

1 cup Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
1 cup ketchup
1 cup cider vinegar
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup finely chopped onion (I like Vidalias in season)
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
2 TBS hot pepper sauce
1 TSPS dry mustard
dash of sea salt
dash of black pepper
1 TBS good Olive oil.

Saute onions in olive oil until carmelized.

Combine carmelized onions ands all remaining ingredients in your favorite pot (mine is cast iron).

Bring to a boil stirring constantly (though gently). Reduce heat and simmer with the lid slightly off to permit venting for about an hour an half.

Me and the missus enjoy this one and usually add a seasoning or two each time we make it - so it's always a little different each time.


Grilled Asparagus

As I prepare a few steaks for tonight's dinner I thought I would share a simple recipe for asparagus on the grill.

One nice bunch of fresh Asparagus
Pinch or two of sea salt (regular is fine)
Freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of red pepper for a little zip

I tend to like the thinner asparagus but medium or thicker would work just as well.

Trim off the woody parts of the stem.
Place the spears on a wide, shallow dish.
Sprinkle with a goodly amount of your favorite Olive Oil.

Add a pinch or three of salt (I use sea salt)
Add a few nice twists of pepper to taste.
Toss asparagus mixture with tongs to coat.
Let them sit for a good hour or better at room temperature.

With the grill on medium high, place spears in such a way as they won't fall thru the grate. (I forget this from time to time...)

The oil will cause flair ups so keep attentive!

Turn the spear every now and then and grill till a little char appears, usually about 5 minutes or so.

Plate them and let them rest for a minute or so before serving.

I add a little homemade red pepper from my habanero plants but this is strictly optional and up to the constitution of your audience.

Easy, no?


Semi-Wet Rib Rub

I tried a little different rib rub this weekend.

1/2 cup brown sugar
2 TBS salt
2 TBS sugar
3 TBS Mexican Chile powder (McCormick)
1 TBS onion powder
1 TBS garlic powder
1 good pinch red pepper
1 scant TBS fresh ground black pepper
2 good dashes liquid smoke

Mix it all up and spread on the ribs, it'll be a bit wet from the liquid smoke so smooth it out evenly. Cover and let 'em sit over night in the fridge.

Take 'em out and bring to room temperature before BBQing.

By the way, it was a 5 hour low and slow cook with the last hour and a half or so with tinfoil "tents" over the slabs to keep moisture in.

I added a couple of handfuls of Jack Daniels smoking chips to the fire initially. I'd prefer chunks but JD don't sell 'em..

A little saucing at the very end and you're in business.

I think they tasted pretty dang good.

-WhiskeyRiver :-)

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