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How-To BBQ

BBQ FAQs, Forums, Q&A's, Web Sites and More
Cast Iron

First, What is Barbecue? Garry's BBQ Pit says, "Many people misuse the term barbecue. It has come to be applied to anything cooked on a grill, or even in the oven if a spicy tomato based sauce is applied. Barbecue is not a dish, or a cooking device, it is a method of cooking.

There is a distinct difference between grilling and barbecueing, however. Grilling is done over the direct heat of a fire. The object is to sear the outside and concentrate the juices on the inside. The grilled flavor is caused by the searing, or browning, of the outside of the food. The process is similar to that which forms the brown crust on a loaf of baked bread. Grilling is a healthful method of cooking because additional oils or fats are seldom used, and as the food cooks the fat renders out and drips through the cooking grate.

Barbecue on the other hand is the process of cooking meat at low temperatures for long periods of time. The best definition I have seen comes from Chris Schlesinger, owner and chef of The East Coast Grill restaurant in Cambridge, MA.

Also check out A Southern Cultural Icon By Laura Dove - "When travelling through the South, your best bet for authentic and carefully prepared Southern cuisine is any of the many barbecue restaurants that dot the landscape. Don't be fooled by the casual atmosphere in most of these barbecue joints; these are the places where the legacy of Southern food is vigilantly protected. In the Southern United States, barbecue is a cherished cultural icon. In other areas of America, "barbecue" is a verb-- Northerners barbecue food on the backyard grill. In the South, however, barbecue is most definitely a noun. A barbecue is a gathering of food aficionados who appreciate the aroma of roasted meat that has been painstakingly smoked for several hours. Barbecue itself is chopped, sliced, or pulled meat liberally doused with a variety of (closely guarded) sauces. This meat is usually pork, unless you are in Texas or some parts of Kentucky (where barbecue means beef or mutton). Most Southerners take their barbecue very seriously, refining methods of preparation and fiercely defending the preeminence of their favorite sauce recipes. There are few things in the South more universally revered than good barbecue, and deconstructing barbecue is a study in the culture of the South."*

Second, What's the Difference Between Barbecuing and Grilling? 3 Men has a great explanation of the difference between the two methods of cooking.

Third, How Do I Learn How to Barbecue? Check out the Barbecue University. ;-) In May, 2003, Raichlen's TV show, Barbecue University with Steven Raichlen, debuts on Public Television. Filmed on location at Raichlen's Barbecue University at the luxurious Greenbrier resort in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia, the 13 part series is the first show ever to focus on the techniques of barbecuing and grilling. The show covers everything, from all time favorites, like Kansas City-style ribs and Texas brisket, to envelop-pushing dishes that include grilled gazpacho, grilled pizza, and even smoke-roasted pears.*

BBQ FAQs, Forums, Q&A's, Web Sites and More

Barbecues & Grilling Guide by Derrick Riches at - Derrick Riches is a freelance technical writer, industry consultant and avid backyard chef. Derrick has served as About's guide to Barbecue and Grilling for well over a decade and in which time he has traveled far and wide to taste and talk backyard cooking. Over the years Derrick has cooked on hundreds of grills, smokers and pretty much anything else you can fire up on the patio.* 10/01/2009

Gary's BBQ Pit - BBQ Links, Build Your Own BBQ Pit, Favorite BBQ Recipes, Let's Start Smoking, Tips and Techniques.

Hawgeyes BBQ - BBQ Books & Videos, BBQ Cooking Accessories, BBQ Links, BBQ Marinades, BBQ Sauces, BBQ Spice & Rubs, BBQ Smokers & Gas Grills.

Home BBQ Adviser - Links Directory, Recipes, Smoking Techniques, Woods for Smoking.

HowToDoThings Grilling Guide - Articles on How to Grill including tips on accessories, rubs, and grilling meat, fish, and vegetables.*

KickAssBBQ - This website is about BBQ. Smoking Meat!!!!! KickAssBBQ "101" shares with you all of the recipes and techniques I have learned over the years. Let me know how they work for you and ask me any questions you have about BBQ. I'll try my best to answer them. Smoke On!!!!!!*

The Kansas City Bar B Q Forum - BBQ Forum Recipes, BBQ Recipe Search Engine.

The Virtual Weber Bullet - Cooking Capacity, Cooking In The Wind, Rain & Cold, Cooking Times and Temperatures, Cooking Topics, Holding, Storing & Reheating Barbecued Meats, Letting Meat Rest After Cooking, WSM Humor Photos. I can't resist adding the WSM Humor Photos page especially since the first two photos are Star Wars related. :-)

Cast Iron

Lodge Manufacturing - LOTS of cast iron info along with their own products for sale.

Wagner and Griswold Society (WAGS) - WAGS is community of cast iron and aluminum cookware collectors. If you like to cook with and/or collect antique/collectible kitchen cookware, then you have found the right place. Want to learn more about WAGS? Contact Us! Happy Hunting!!* If'n topcat17 (TC) says these are good people, believe him, I do!

*These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
These names and logos belong to and are copyrighted or trademarked by the site owners.

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