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The BBQ Fools
1PanthersFan | 34Phantom | 85andbreezy | AlisonWonderland | BattleAxes | Bkeepr100 | Blackmare | blford | BlueBerryHill | blungold | bookie71 | BookishFool | ChezJohn | ColonelCAF | MawMaw | crobinso | CVSUSN | DBAVelvet74 | DonnaPawl | earlmedwards | ez3 | Fool2Believe | GameMaker | hlupak | HobbyDave | JGBFool | Leana | MizL | MoneyPenny06 | NoIDAtAll | OleDocJ | physician | RkeFool | sano | TMF2Aruba | topcat17 | Tuni | tytthus | voelkels | WenDragon | WhiskeyRiver | WileyWildcat


Updated: 03/15/2007

Other than his Awesome Love for His Wife, Family and God,
the two things Charles was most proud of were his 2004 Grand Marquis and his New BBQ Smoker!!

Frank the Chili Taster: A Funny Joke Shared by Charles

Charles Wilbur Robinson III

On Tuesday, February 27, 2007, predeceased by his father, Charles Wilbur Robinson, Jr. passed away.

He is survived by his loving wife, Karen Robinson; mother, Bertha Robinson; two step-children, Nikkia and Iesha Morgan; brother, Donald; two sisters, Verna and Vicky; four grandchildren; a host of other relatives and friends.

Visitation, 9 a.m. until time of service 10 a.m., Saturday, March 10 at Calvary Gospel Church, 11150 Berry Rd., Waldorf, MD. Interment Resurrection Cemetery.


Published in The Washington Post on 3/9/2007

Guest Book for Charles Wilbur Robinson III

It is with a very heavy heart that I must inform people that Charles has passed away.

However, we should all be happy to know that he has joined his Lord in Heaven and is no longer suffering.

I am collecting posts from The Motley Fool boards to share here with Charles' Darling Wife Karen so that she can see just how much Charles is loved by his Foolish Friends.

77's Foolish House of Pigskin
All things Sci-Fi
Baby Boomers
BBQ, Art of, Fun(ky), The
Buying and Maintaining a Car
Christian Fools
Current Events
Gwen's Pub
Humor and Urban Legends
Major League Baseball
Star Trek
Television Banter

And, there will be some very minor editing of these posts just for Karen's sake.

77's Foolish House of Pigskin

averagjoe Originally Posted - "Redskins lost a huge fan, I said that with all due respect.


psuasskicker6 - "My God, I never knew anything was going on there. Horrible news...sorry to hear!

I'm gonna email his account...

- C -"

bdluckyshot - "That's too bad. Charles will be missed."

malibu114 - "I had no idea. I will miss him very much.


JustBarmin - "We have indeed lost a great fan of the Skins, but also a great person.

Hail to the Redskins, and Hail to Charles!


goaltender95 - "...dammit, I really liked Charles, never met him but I know I would've loved to hang out and have a beer or 10.

He mentioned once on another board a few years back that he was not healthy.

Sad and angry...Pete"

gayner - "Sorry to hear the news about Crobinso. I'll save you a seat, and buy you a couple of 'dogs' at that big Redskin Game.

So long Charles."

CarlHungus - "He was always a nice guy and a good fan. He'll be missed.


jeffsquest - Bill,

Thanks for putting this together, I'm sure his family will appreciate seeing how well liked Charles was.

I only "knew" him on a few boards; but, he was one of my favorite fools. He spoke of the things he liked with passion as well as with humor. I respected that he was a man of principles and always stayed "above the fray."

He'll be greatly missed.


All things Sci-Fi

goaltender95 Originally Posted - Charles Passing

RocketsMomma - Aw crap. He seemed such a nice funny guy.


IrishSpy - That's sad. I enjoyed reading his posts.

(Who just remembered he's on my Favorites list...)

zsimpson - I'm really sorry to hear Charles has passed. He was fun. Even on some of the political boards when I didn't agree with him, I always respected and admired him. I'm really going to miss him.
I think RM summe dit up perfectly, "Oh crap."

"And, if you see a post on another board about Charles, please send me the link so that I can collect these for Karen. Thanks!!"

kenm47 - I had posted a link to your sad discovery post over at Television Banter and Star Trek where Charles and I occasionally traded posts. I'll miss him.


Chapman208 - Thanks for the links, Bill. It was touching to read the outpouring of affection for someone most of us only knew from his postings on TMF. I finished up by reading that hysterical chili cook-off story. It had me in tears. (At least, I think it was the story that did it.)


Baby Boomers

Professor9 Originally Posted - Dunno how many of you "knew" Charles...but he's gone


chkNYC - I just saw that post as it was linked on the Baseball Board.

Charles was only 51 years old.

How very sad.

My deepest sympathies to his family and friends.



CindyC72 - That's a real shame. We didn't frequent the same boards much, but he always seemed like a decent person. Condolences to his family.


bosslady52 - What a shame; I enjoyed his posts on CE and Gwen's Pub.

SirYoda - That......well, that sucks. It really does. Charles was a long timer here at TMF and he will be missed.


BBQ, Art of, Fun(ky), The

blford Originally Posted - Charles Robinson - crobinso

I just spoke with Charles' wife Karen and she informed me that Charles passed away after a lengthy stay in the hospital. His kidneys were shutting down, his lungs were full of fluid and he had an infection that the MDs couldn't cure.

The MDs did the best that they could for him, but Karen said that God must have had other plans for Charles.

Services will be this Saturday, but the Obituary will not be published until this Friday in the Washington Post. Since the WP requires a subscription to read the obituaries, I have signed-up for an account and will check them daily until I find his notice. I will then share any info that's included.

Obviously Karen was a bit distraught and it was hard for her talking about these past few weeks, so I wasn't able to get a whole lot of info other than what she was already sharing with me.

She had lots of family, friends and co-workers helping her financially with the costs of the hospital hotel room and said she only ended up paying for one night herself.

She says she hasn't checked Charles' e-mail accounts yet, but will do that next week after everything settles down a bit. She was so worried that she wouldn't be able to tell his TMF Friends what happened, but was so relieved when I called today knowing that his friends would finally know.

Please, pass along this info to any boards you regularly read where Charles was also a poster.


chezjohn - Oh No. I'm so sorry to hear that ... Charles was a very unique character ... I will miss him. Rest In Peace, Charles.

SRHCB - Thanks for the info, Bill.

This is very sad news indeed.

I hope the obit will include an on-line Remeberence Book.

SB (Fellow Big-Mercury Lover)

tootru - Oh dear. Charles was a good guy.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Please express my sympathy to Karen if/when you contact her again.


blueberryhill - Chez, Charles won't get any rest. He will be in charge of the bbq'ing in heaven.


AlisonWonderland - Oh, how very sad.

I so remember his enthusiasm in so many of his posts.

Here are Charles' top 99-recced posts:

~~ Alison, sadly

Chapman208 - That's so sad. Charles seemed like a great, fun-loving guy, with a terrific sense of humor. He'll be greatly missed here on TMF, as I'm sure he will be in the real world.


bosslady52 - :((

rev2217 - I'm sorry to here this, but thank you for passing it along. Charles always had something thoughtful to add to the discussion on this board. I'm sure that I'm far from the only one who will miss his contributions.


kevian - That's incredibly sad to hear. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.


katinga - A true gentleman has passed.

As I recall, he would refer to me as Katinga-san, the only time my African nom de plume got mixed up with a Japanese article. But that showed his sense of humor, knowing that I was bilingually African, but not genetically so.

May God say, "Well done." But not BBQ-wise.


WileyWildcat - Dear friends,

May we remember Charles with great fondness in our hearts and add him to the honorary list of special fool family members that have gone on before him.

Charles was a man with a strong sense of humor and kindness, a family member to all of us on the Q board. We will miss him.

Charles Robinson,

Colonel & MawMaw,

Kindleness, Our Q Family in heaven.

Biker Mike,

Illinois Gem,

Grace and Peace,
Miz Wiley

NoIDAtAll - Please express my condolences to Mrs. Robinson and family members, too, Bill. Charles was always pleasant, courteous and informed and always shared what he knew or leaned - A real gentleman.


Fly2Retire - Charles, you will be missed. TMF was better for having you here! God deeply and richly bless your family and loved ones!



corse - May he rest in peace


Bkeeper100 - He will bee missed...on every board that he contributed to.

Grieving B-man

JGBFool - Charles seemed like a real good fellow, and I always enjoyed reading his posts here on the BBQ Fools board. May he rest in peace.

sano - Charles is one of the really good guys. I'll miss him.

I think he wanted me to have his BBQ.


bundoriyagyu - A true gentleman has passed.

I couldn't agree more. Charles was always helpful to me whenever I had to make some tough choices. His wise counsel and good friendship helped me see some things as they were, no matter how difficult that was. He even helped me to overlook some really bad manners on the part of some people on another board (remaining nameless forevermore) and continue to lurk there and occasionally post. I shall miss him. I consider his loss on a par with that of the colonel, and that is high praise indeed for those of you who knew the colonel.

A true spiritual gentleman has gone before us.


Bonhoeffer - He was truly a fine human being. This news brought a tear to my eye.

Farwell, Charles. Go in peace.

straitarrow - Charles was a kind man with a fine sense of humor.
I will always remember that he wisely and diplomatically responded to my very first post on the Fool a number of years ago.

(my long post)
".........Comments are welcomed but not too much technical and financial criticism please."

"Okay, not too much. Having a feel-good experience with a company is not a sufficient reason to buy stock in it." Charles

Thank you Charles for that simple but extremely sound advice.
We will miss you.
May you rest in peace!


chezjohn - I am going to *nominate* Charles for a Smoky Angel Award. You guys can read about it here:

Bill, if you would email me Charles' address, I'll get the award & pin sent out today. Thanks.

Charles is now in the BBQ Smoky Angel Hall Of Fame. His pin went out in the mail today ... his wife should receive it in a couple of days.


jiminica - I am going to miss Charles, and his insightful comments. Please let the family know that they are in my prayers.


DBAVelvet74 - I glanced at his last 10 posts. His last was mid January.

A few down from that was a message in which he mentioned that he will turn 52 this April.

He was taken way too early.

We will miss you Charles :(

I am going to *nominate* Charles for a Smoky Angel Award. You guys can read about it here:

That is such a wonderful idea!!!!

I'm so glad someone thought to start that site, and I'm so glad you thought of Charles.

photon99 - Karen,

We are so sorry to lose Charles. He was a wonderfully friendly, sensitive man, and we will miss him, too. You and your family will be in our prayers at this sad, sad time.


DorMill - Thank you for the news. Please express my own sympathy to Karen.

Buying and Maintaining a Car

blford Originally Posted - OT: Charles Robinson - Charles Robinson, a.k.a. crobinso, has passed away.


eudaimon6 - I thought about Charles on Saturday. I hadn't seen him post in a while.

I'd love to send a card-do you have an address you could email me?

Charles had a lovely sense of humor, and he will be missed. He had been a fave of mine for many years.

Requiescat in Pace

IndecisiveFool - That's sad. In one of his last posts, he says 53 isn't that old to another poster and mentioned he was turning 52 soon. Just last week, a former coworker died of a heart attack at age 42. It is a reminder to me that I should watch my health and enjoy the journey along the way instead of saving every single penny for retirement.


blford - Hey Dean,

I'd love to send a card-do you have an address you could email me?

I was so floored when I spoke to Karen that I forgot to ask for a snail-mail addy and the name of the funeral home.

I will try to get that info today and pass it along, with her permission. However, if she doesn't want me sharing their address with everyone, I will be more than happy to forward any mail sent to me if she approves of that method instead.

I'll let you know later what the plan is...Sorry I didn't think of this earlier.


SRHCB - RE: Bill: "I forgot to ask for a snail-mail addy and the name of the funeral home."

Hopefully the funeral home will have an on-line Rememberence Book?

eudaimon6 - I was so floored when I spoke to Karen that I forgot to ask for a snail-mail addy and the name of the funeral home.

Such times are difficult. Thank you very much for letting us know about his passing.

I'll look forward to hearing more from you. Thanks for keeping us all informed. I have shared the news over on the baseball board, and AJ has posted on HURL.

Charles was such a good guy.


DuckyDuck - Crap.

He was always, always friendly and cordial, no matter what board he was running around on...

I usually liked to hear about his car, recently his newer Grand Marquis, and his older, high-mileage GM's as well.



Milligram46 - Very sad...

ptheland - I had also noticed he hadn't posted lately. I am very sorry to hear this. I've always enjoyed his posts.


peplow - God looks after the good guys.

I will miss him.


Christian Fools

cevera1 Originally Posted - Charles Robinson

very sad news.

He has been a favorite of mine for a very long time....

Original Post on the BBQ Board


JavaRunner - I am tremendously sad over this news. He was a good TMF friend, and such a wonderful man.

:-( Charlie

Tiptree - I will miss Charles (crobinso) immensely. His passion for the Lord lifted my spirits on a number of occasions.

Rest in peace, brother Charles. We'll all meet again one day!

Wradical - This is very sad news.
I did not know he had been ill.


rbednarski - "I will miss Charles (crobinso) immensely. His passion for the Lord lifted my spirits on a number of occasions.

Rest in peace, brother Charles. We'll all meet again one day!

Amen. The light of God shone through Charles, in this place.

God bless,


jrdown - What sad, sad news ...... I will miss his sweetness and forthrightness.

I think I will send an email to his MF account and hope that his wife will get it.

Any other suggestions?


blford - I think I will send an email to his MF account and hope that his wife will get it.

Any other suggestions?

Yes. Karen said she will not be checking Charles' e-mail until next week after things settle down a bit for her. So, if you do send an e-mail to Charles' e-mail addy, she may not respond right away.

However, as I already told Cliff, I will be collecting and forwarding any snail-mail for Karen. If y'all want my address, either e-mail me or Cliff Offline...I gave him my address...and I'll make sure Karen gets everything sent her way.

Bill a.k.a. ßillƒ

katinga - I posted on the original BBQ thread. If you could simply forward the entire thread, it would be great.

Hugs and kisses to Karen.


TheMoonglade - How very sad. The Motley Fool family gets smaller again. I hope he found pleasure here and on the other boards on which I would run across him, and I hope his family is comforted somewhat by the knowledge that people across the country feel his loss tonight and will for some time.


pennsy1tuckian - I will miss Charles. His heart shone through these boards as if he were in the room with me.

I am praying for comfort for his family and friends. I'm also rejoicing that tonight his suffering is finished. He can finally rest in the arms of his Lord - no more suffering, no more aching, no more darkness.

God bless you my brother. You brought Jesus to this place and left more than you took.

May light perpetual shine upon him.


Fly2Retire - This is such, such sad news. I think all of us in here are in shock about this, and in disbelief that we won't have more of his insights and humour to enjoy!

I've been thinking about him, Cowhoney, and His Delight. I sent HD off an e-mail, letting her know about Charles, if she didn't know already.

Cowhoney, if you're out there, I miss you on these boards. There's so many things about you that remind me of home and my upbringing......I always look forward to your posts.

HD, please let us know how you're getting on. I know you've had so many challenges lately........don't be a stranger!

Deep Blessings and regards to each and every one of my Brothers and Sisters here. Until we meet in The Lord's bosum!


Kasuma724 - I am sad to hear this news. He was always a classy man - and I respected him a great deal.

I pray his family and loved ones will take comfort in their memories and in knowing that he is no long in any pain.


HisDelight - Hey Fly , :-) Sweetie I was stunned by your message but deeply appreciative that you thought to let me know.

Wasn't supposed to happen....... :-( I can hear Charles bellowing to me, "Who says??? Don't even think about getting me out of here!!"
That would be Charles. He'll be deeply missed. Funny, in early Feb. I was thinking of asking if he was ready for Valentine's Day. I didn't but wish I had.:-( The stroke should have taught me not to wait
Yeah there are developments on me but they're not important right now. Maybe tomorrow, Or tonight.

love you all,

rigoletto39 - I recognize the name. You can still see his posts, ending on Jan 14.

The hard part about growing older is that more of your friends start dying.

The hard part about death is that it comes first to those around you.

I've heard of a few Fools passing on over the years. One I remember particularly was Annie (I've lost the last part of her name).

Somebody might set up a roster, a memorial, called something like "Silent Keyboards". (The amateur radio fraternity's roll is called "Silent Keys", from the Morse Code keys of the early days.)

Current Events

kentm401 Originally Posted - Public Notice

For those few who actually remember that a few of us were actually "friends".....Charles left this board years ago.......but one of the true gentleman, in these parts, and appreciated by all.

I never even knew he was ill......just hadn't read him for awhile.
RIP Old Friend......."We" will miss you........more then you know!
Best Regards to Charle's family.......

KBM (Kent - aka friend)

waterfell - Oh wow, that's really terrible news. Thanks for letting us know.


Moonage1962 - Charles was one of the finest people to ever frequent this board and I'm quite proud to have considered him a friend of mine. It was a rare quality, and one that I value immensely, that he could laugh at how black he was, and laugh even harder at how incredibly white I am. The whole world could have learned a very valuable lesson from Charles. I'll miss him.


CVSUSN - Kent,

That's very unfortunate. Charles was (and still is) a very decent soul.

The Nationals lost their number one fan.

Thanks, Charles.


BushGuiltyAsSin - Damn.

This is sad news indeed. Charles was one of the good ones.

I knew him here and I had the opportunity to know him a little off line as well. A few years ago Charles contacted me about buying some pecans from our grove when I spoke of them here on the Fool. I shipped him a half a bushel and he loved them, telling me about sitting in his recliner watching TV with the pecan box right beside him... just muching away. He sure loved good food and good people.

He will be missed by many... RIP Charles and of course my condolences to his family.

StormWarning - Thank you Kent for delivering this very upsetting news. You harken back to the early days of the Current Events board when many of us bonded in the shock of the events of September 11th and later as this Nation's War on Terror began ("For those few who actually remember that a few of us were actually 'friends'").

I was sitting at my desk after lunch and decided to browse through some posts when I came across your Public Notice. I was as shocked as anyone would be at the passing of a friend, especially someone who was so young. Charles' birthday was to be April 20 when he would have turned just 52. Instinctively, I picked up my phone and called my friend Moon (the "white man") and virtually blurted out the news. He and I sat shocked for a few moments and then talked about him for a bit. A little while later, I called my friend CCSand and told her, and then, I couldn't avoid the emotion and got "choked up."

Charles was a rare and gentle man. And in both stature and spirit, he was a giant of a man. He and I had grown together as friends and spoke often. Just this weekend I realized that I hadn't spoken with him for a while, and decided that I would. When he announced that he wanted to start his own small business (a car detailing business), I made a few calls and introduced him to the Asst. Dir. of Economic Development in Maryland. Before I moved to Texas, whenever I drove to Washington DC I would call him hoping that he would be available so we could actually sit and chat over a burger and a brew. We tried often, but alas, that meeting never did happen.

Among the "group," Charles was known and loved for who he was. He was a man of spirit and faith. Unlike what was written by Hawkin (no disrespect intended to you Harkwin), Charles stopped posting on this board because his faith and his practice of it was disrespected by someone from "the other side" who should have known better.

Those of us who, as Kent wrote, "...actually remember that a few of us were actually 'friends'" have now lost JohnGalt, EarlMEdwards and Crobinso...and very likely we have also lost Ray Bradish who hasn't posted or been heard from since November 2005. I guess that's what happens when you and your friends start to get older. You lose some of them. You sense your own mortality, and yet, somehow, you are "still standing."

I wrote a note to Charles' wife today to his email addresses and I hope that she sees it. It was a personal note. He is now where he knew that he would eventually go. I guess none of us ever really know when that time will come.

I am proud to be able to say that Charles W. Robinson III was my friend.

HedonistiX - May he rest in peace.
One of the better souls in Fooldom.


Mitamuna - Thanks for letting us know. He'll be missed.


trismus - My sympathy goes to his family.



CCSand - StormWarning called me yesterday.

I will miss Charles and was sorry to hear this news. I will remember him as a kind, gentle and wise soul. I valued his presence on this board. He always had something to contribute, insights and experience to share. Above all, he was kind - even to those with whom he disagreed.

Please pass on my regrets to his family. I will keep him in my prayers.


Gwen's Pub

JustBarmin Originally Posted - A Great Loss for us all

I just found this on the Football Board.

Original Post on the BBQ Board

We have lost Charles, crobinso.

This is sad and shocking. Charles and I talked of food, drinks, and his beloved Redskins. When I worked for the Fool, and even now, he was always one of my favorite posters.

Gwen, please open a tab for everyone who is going to be mourning this great loss.

Gwen, in honor of Charles, please get me a Coors Extra Gold, and keep them coming.

To Charles!

I did a search and found this picture of him he linked to in his pride and joy, the Grand Marquis.

The Grand Marquis Man


Professor9 - Gwen, in honor of Charles, please get me a Coors Extra Gold, and keep them coming.

To Charles!

Aw, cuss it all. I was fond of Charles and thought he'd been absent for awhile.

He wasn't all that old, was he?

I found my answer. Way too young:

"And, you're right. 53 is NOT old in 2007! I'll be 52 in April, so I know for sure. Charles"

Diet Coke, please, Gwen and my thanks to Curt. It's never easy being the bearer of bad news.


kentm401 - Thx Curt.....I had no idea. Just thought my old "friend" Charles was MIA like me for awhile. BTW he was an IRS Agent, FWIW.

In my 8? years or so, I've lost 5 "friends" from these boards. Doesn't make it any easier to "take" - especially when you share personal details of life, and love with them. But I won't trade all those "conversations" over time past - for anything.

Charles was a true gentleman - one of the "great ones" - And I don't say that much these days -

No Gwenn, that tab's on moi today.

KBM (Friend of Charles) FOC

MichaelRead - Sad news.

Charles was a favorite from the gitgo. He and I had this banter going about me being a skinny pasty-white geezer and he a very large black man. Chalk and cheese it would seem yet both of us love our grandkids and each of us wore our hearts on our sleeves about them and didn't mind everyone knowing that.

Lord, there's lots of anecdotes about Charles he shared. The time his neighbors mowed his lawn; Charles getting a new car and how he enjoyed it. Little things learned about a person that makes him personable and well liked.

Charles, a glass raised to you. You will be missed.


them - Thanks Curt - to Charles, indeed!

He was a gentleman I wished I knew better.

coyote97 - Dang..... 52 is too darn young. Sad indeed. I wish all his friends and family a smooth transition from heartbreaking mourning to hearttouching memories...... a wise man told me that is when the memories can spark a smile with your tears.

Gwen, a Coors Extra Gold please..... Charles is the one guy, I'll drink one for. :-)

The world would be a better place if more people had Charles' big heart.

dovbaer6 - The world would be a better place if more people had Charles' big heart.

yeah, he was a good guy, definately a big big heart. even the occasional posts he would make on the PA board were consistently vitriol free.

sad ... he was younger than me, way too young.

coldfool - The world would be a better place if more people had Charles' big heart.

I don't think anyone could say it better.

To Charles.

saraswati1 - Wow.


That's sad, sad news.

And here I thought he was taking a hiatus. My heart goes out to his wife and family, for the loss of such a congenial, good-natured soul will leave a big hole.

mcemerson - The world would be a better place if more people had Charles' big heart.

I don't think anyone could say it better.

This one's on me. Make mine an Aberlour with just a splash... it's under the register.

To Charles.

To Charles, may his memory serve as an example to us all.

readyteddy - To Charles! I am really sorry to hear this.

jgold03 - ... at a lost for words. Rest in Peace Charles.

finsternis - Charles was a gentleman. He strikes as a man who rarely raised his voice, yet was heard most whenever he spoke. I'd rather he'd gotten over his Coors fixation, but hopefully he is now tending a big BBQ pit in the sky.

Gwen, Make mine a Coors,


Humor and Urban Legends

averagjoe Originally Posted - crobinso -- RIP

Sad, but true. One of my faves is no longer with us.

Original Post on the BBQ Board


Dwdonhoff - I had definitely noted Charles' absence and been wondering about his well being. From his self-descriptions, his physical body wasn't all that healthy... but from his community participation his spirit was as alive as they come!

He'll be missed.

6SpeedFool - It's odd to feel the sad for the loss of someone I've never met or spoke to. Modern electronic times, I guess.

Rest in peace, Charles; they'll love your deft touch around the grill up there.


it409 - Sad, but true. One of my faves is no longer with us.

Not so much that he was one of my faves also, but it's an honor to know that I was one of his.

Here is one of his all time best jokes.
Jesse Jackson Speaks Of Tragedy

Jesse Jackson is visiting a primary school and he visits one of the classes. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks the Rev. Jackson if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy". So the illustrious leader asks the class for an example of a "tragedy".

One little boy stands up and offers: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy.

"No," says the Great Jesse Jackson," that would be an accident."

A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explains the exalted spiritual leader. "That's what we would call a great loss."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteer.

Rev. Jackson searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

Finally at the back of the room a small boy raises his hand.

In a quiet voice he says: "If a jet carrying the Rev. Jackson were struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy."

"Fantastic!" exclaims Jackson, "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?"

"Well," says the boy, "because it sure as hell wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either."

AOLFoolman100 - I really can't believe this. This is truly sad. My eyes are welling up with some tears as I write this.

As Dwonhoff mentioned, I also wondered why Charles hadn't been posting recently.

I knew that he had health problems. Charles was quite open about his severe weight problem - he once mentioned that he was over 500 lbs. He was an open person, that's what we loved about him. And he was OK with it when people kid with him about it !!

My memories of Charles was that he was never hyper political. You could post something that was counter to what he believed, but he never responded with any sharp verbal jabs, that many of us (including me) are known for. He would always respond with a personal appeal of some sort - he was good at winning people over.

This may be an overused phrase, but Charles truly was a gentle soul.

I must admit, there have been several Fools who have passed on over the last several years.....Charles Robinson is the FIRST who has brought tears to my eyes.

We love you Charles....may you rest in peace, our dear, beloved friend.

kentm401 - Take a run over to CE as well, several of Charles "old friends" dropped notes on this thread.......

Post About Charles on the Current Events Board

Bill - Charles was very well regarded in these parts - by a great many of us. Thx again for the heads-up.

KBM (RIP "my man"........)

alcear - I'd like to see everyone who didn't already have Charles as a favorite fool do so so he can get the trophy in perpetuity.

madamhusker1 - Went to his profile, to read some of his last postings. He would have been 52 next month.

May his soul find eternal rest and Peace.

Major League Baseball

eudaimon6 Originally Posted - OT: Charles Robinson

from blford at the barbecue board

Charles Robinson, Crobinso, devoted baseball fan and lover of big Mercury sedans, had passed away. His sense of humor and ready wit will be missed by all

Requiescat in Pace

ziggy29 - Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from him recently. According to another post he had a couple months ago, he would have been 52 next month. Way, way too young.


chkNYC - May he RIP.



WhiskeyRiver Originally Posted - Crobinso

Original Post on the BBQ Board

-Jim :(

UncleLee - RIP, Charlie.

JustWhoIAm - He'll be missed.


coldfool - I hate to hear that.

I haven't "talked" with Charles since I stopped frequenting the pub, but I remember him fondly. Always jovial, courteous and positive. (my exact opposite) The TMF family has lost an excellent member.

My deepest, heartfelt condolence to the family.

fancifree - I did not know the poster, crobinso, but I extend my sympathies to those who did. Following threads to other boards and reading the posts on this one makes it apparent that a link is missing at TMF with his passing. It is always amazing how the internet connects people who might never have met.


Star Trek

kenm47 Originally Posted - Charles Robinson RIP

Original Post on the BBQ Board


UKKB - Crap! I always enjoyed his posts.


dsbrady - Very sorry to hear this news. I'll miss his posts.

When I saw the thread title, I didn't even put that name together with his screen-name (probably because the two places I saw the thread title were in TV-related boards -- I assumed it was regarding an actor). It's funny how a lot of us are only known by our screen names.


FoolBalance - His last posts were in early January. Ironic, one of them.

URGENT prayer request

Read some of his to recall his optimism for the future. His last here on Star Trek, for instance.

Hawking: Humans must colonize other planets

Strange how the loss of a virtual acquaintance is a downer. Reminds us all that at the other end of these electrons are real people with loves, hopes and dreams.


buckmizer - I am really sorry to hear this. I liked his take on things.


Johnboy001 - May Charles rest in peace!


Chapman208 - Charles, my Klingon friend: "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!"

May your next campaign cover you in glory!

Mark. ("Today is a good day to die!")

Television Banter

kenm47 Originally Posted - Charles Robinson RIP

Original Post on the BBQ Board


HedonistiX - May he rest in peace.
One of the better souls in Fooldom.


KobeGuiltyAsSin - ditto - one of the real good guys here.

Charles shared this joke with us on the TMF BBQ board

Frank the Chili Taster

For those of you who have lived in Texas, you know how true this is. They actually have a Chili Cook Off about the time Halloween comes around. It takes up a major portion of a parking lot at the San Antonio City Park.

Judge #3 was an inexperienced Chili Taster named Frank, who was visiting from Springfield, IL.

Frank: "Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chili cook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking for directions to the Coors Light truck, when the call came in. I was assured by the other two judges (Native Texans) that the chili wouldn't be all that spicy and, besides, they told me I could have free beer during the tasting, so I accepted."

Here are the scorecard notes from the event:



Judge # 1 -- A little too heavy on the tomato. Amusing kick.

Judge # 2 - Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.

Judge # 3 (Frank) -- Holy shit, what the hell is this stuff? You could remove dried paint from your driveway. Took me two beers to put the flames out. I hope that's the worst one. These Texans are crazy.



Judge # 1 -- Smoky, with a hint of pork. Slight jalapeno tang.

Judge #2 -- Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be taken seriously.

Judge # 3 -- Keep this out of the reach of children. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people who wanted to give me the Heimlich maneuver. They had to rush in more beer when they saw the look on my face.



Judge # 1 -- Excellent firehouse chili. Great kick.

Judge # 2 -- A bit salty, good use of peppers.

Judge # 3 -- Call the EPA. I've located a uranium spill. My nose feels like I have been snorting Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now. Get me more beer before I ignite. Barmaid pounded me on the back, now my backbone is in the front part of my chest. I'm getting shit-faced from all of the beer.



Judge # 1 -- Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.

Judge # 2 -- Hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or other mild foods not much of a chili.

Judge # 3 -- I felt something scraping across my tongue, but was unable to taste it. Is it possible to burn out taste buds? Sally, the beermaid, was standing behind me with fresh refills. That 300-LB woman is starting to look HOT. Just like this nuclear waste I'm eating! Is chili an aphrodisiac!!??



Judge # 1 -- Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground, adding considerable kick. Very impressive.

Judge # 2 -- Chili using shredded beef, could use more tomato. Must admit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.

Judge # 3 -- My ears are ringing, sweat is pouring off my forehead and I can no longer focus my eyes. I farted and four people behind me needed paramedics. The contestant seemed offended when I told her that her chili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue from bleeding by pouring beer directly on it from the pitcher. I wonder if I'm burning my lips off. It really pisses me off that the other judges asked me to stop screaming. Screw those rednecks.



Judge # 1 -- Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance of spices and peppers.

Judge # 2 -- The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, and garlic. Superb.

Judge # 3 -- My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous, sulfuric flames. I shit on myself when I farted and I'm worried that it will eat through the chair. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except that Sally. Can't feel my lips anymore. I need to wipe my ass with a snow cone.



Judge # 1 -- A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.

Judge # 2 -- Ho hum, tastes as if the chef literally threw in a can of chili peppers at the last moment. **I should take note that I am worried about Judge #3. He appears to be in a bit of distress as he is cursing uncontrollably.

Judge # 3 -- You could put a grenade in my mouth, pull the pin, and I wouldn't feel a thing. I've lost sight in one eye, and the world sounds like it is made of rushing water. My shirt is covered with chili, which slid unnoticed out of my mouth. My pants are full of lava to match my shirt. At least during the autopsy, they'll know what killed me. I've decided to stop breathing because it's too painful. Screw it; I'm not getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air, I'll just suck it in through the 4-inch hole in my stomach.



Judge # 1 -- The perfect ending, this is a nice blend chili. Not too bold but spicy enough to declare its existence.

Judge # 2 -- This final entry is a good, balanced chili. Neither mild, nor hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge #3 passed out, fell over and pulled the chili pot down on top of himself. Not sure if he's going to make it, poor feller. I wonder how he'd have reacted to really hot chili?

Judge # 3 - No Report

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