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Marinades & Sauces

Marinade & Sauce Companies
Marinade & Sauce Distributors
Marinade & Sauce Recipes

Marinade & Sauce Companies

Cackalacky Sauce - Celebrating the Tastes and Traditions of America's Classic Condiment Company and Culture!*

Cajun PowerŪ Sauce - Cajun Chef Caro, creator of Cajun PowerŪ products, began cooking at a young age. He started helping his mother in the kitchen and soon discovered his passion for cooking. His mother, Getrude, first introduced him to the basic concepts of true Cajun cooking and from there he dedicated his life to studying the traditions of the Cajun people. Chef Caro discovered that the secret of Cajun food and cooking was in the seasoning and quickly became a student of his mother and the older generation of ladies who would prepare food for the farmers in the fields. He took these wonderful old ideas and incorporated them into his restaurant which he ran for over 10 years. It was during this time he began creating some of the wonderful gourmet flavors you can now enjoy through our Cajun PowerŪ line of products. The Cajun PowerŪ name and trademark stemmed from his proud Cajun heritage, and his love for traditions past. Chef Caro is considered an authority on the art of authentic Cajun cooking and remains dedicated to creating products that are true to his Cajun culture of Southwest Louisiana.*

Marinade & Sauce Distributors

Hawgeyes BBQ Marinades.

Marinade & Sauce Recipes

Cajun Mopping Sauce and Cajun Red Sauce recipe by ColonelCAF.

Homemade Pizza Sauce recipe by OleDocJ.

Lemony Greek Pasta Sauce recipe by OleDocJ.

Oriental Marinade for Chicken Legs recipe by voelkel.

Really Good Salmon Marinade recipe by BookishFool.

Red Chile Sauce (Mole de Chile Rojo) recipe by OleDocJ.

Scottie's Creole Butter recipe.

Secret Spaghetti Sauce recipe by NoIDAtAll.

Thickener #1 recipe by OleDocJ.

*These sites have been quoted directly as I believe what they say about their sites or they already know what to say, better than I do.
These names and logos belong to and are copyrighted or trademarked by the site owners.

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