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Memorial Day Tribute 2005

U.S. Memorial Day History & Information on U.S. War Memorials

A Memorial Day Tribute by ChezJohn


The Little Green Tents

The little green tents where the soldiers sleep,
And the sunbeams play, and the women weep
Are covered with flowers today.

And between the tents walk the weary few,
Who were young and stalwart in 'sixty-two
When they went to the war away.

The little green tents are built of sod,
And they are not long, and they are not broad
But the soldiers have lots of room.

And the sod is part of the land they saved,
When the flag of the enemy darkly waved
The symbol of dole and doom.

The little green tent is a thing divine,
The little green tent is a country's shrine
Where patriots kneel and pray.

And the brave men left, so few,
Were young and stalwart in sixty-two
When they went to the war away.

~~Uncle Walt Mason

Memorial Day Musings by crobinso

Random musings on this year's holiday:

This is the 4th MD since 9/11. This country has progressed far since that fateful day. We must remember always where we've come from and what we've been through. We must never falter in our mission to make the USA a nation for all, and to keep all its inhabitants free.

Special MD thoughts to all of our fallen soldiers (Daddy, I love you), especially the men and women who've most recently fallen in Iraq.

Praise to the men and women of the US Armed Forces who are protecting our borders and who are fighting our battles overseas.

Thank You to the millions who've fled the city for the beaches or the mountains. You made my commute to work a BREEZE for the past couple of days!

I love and support Rolling Thunder's cause ( ), but the sound of jillions of motorcycles roaring through the streets of DC annoys the heck out of me! :-)

We're putting on the feedbag at my house on Sunday (the day before MD). I'm going to fire up my new BBQ grill with hickory wood and charcoal. Then I'm going to put on some babyback ribs, some beef ribs, maybe a little lamb, maybe a deer hindquarter, and lots of hot dogs and hamburgers for the kids! BYOB. I'll have the sodas. If you want to throw your own meat onto the grill, bring it and burn it. Someone please bring some potato salad, collard greens, and crabs.


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